The strategy of tailor-made sustainability for your company

We guide your company along the entire sustainability path thanks to innovative services, proprietary technologies and a competent team.

What we can help you with

Let's define your path together and support you in achieving your sustainability goals thanks to solutions tailored to your company.

Carbon footprint calculation

We support your company in Calculation of CO emissions2. We simplify the data collection process and provide you with a result aligned with the GHG Protocol standards.
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Reduction of emissions

Let us help you define your decarbonization path. Let's define together the most suitable reduction plan, taking advantage of the reduction actions already undertaken by the company.
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People engagement

We involve and we train your staff on sustainability issues. We improve your company's ESG performance thanks to digital platforms that combine training and gamification.
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Budget and communication

We support you in drafting the sustainability report and on the path to obtaining the certifications that interest you. We'll help you to Communicate the commitment of your company in a clear and transparent way.
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Where are you on your sustainability journey?

Find out how your company is positioned and get personalized advice to improve its impact.

Bring sustainability to the company by relying on a proven method.

To achieve ambitious goals, companies must take a path that is not always simple. Precisely for this reason, we guide and offer constant support to improve ESG performance, at every stage of the journey: from analysis to planning, to training and communication.

How do we do it?

Thanks to the characteristics that distinguish us and make our method effective.
metodo Up2You
Our strengths

Consulting and technology

Let's combine The experience of our team with platforms cutting-edge technologies, providing companies with practical tools and effective strategies with which to obtain verifiable results and measurable.


Customized solutions

We offer solutions tailored to respond to specific needs of our customers, finding the most suitable strategies for every type of segment and business size.


Training and support

Thanks to a highly qualified team, we offer training, support and Facilitation for companies in the field of sustainability, strengthening their skills.


Simplicity and accessibility

We make sustainability simple and accessible for companies, thanks to digital tools innovative and to a effective approach, interactive and engaging.

Why choose Up2You

The success of Up2You stems from the combination of a team with extensive experience in the field of sustainability and innovative digital products.

The team that will support you

We are a team of specialists and specialists in the field of sustainability. Our skills and knowledge have led us to collaborate with universities and organizations to provide lectures, coordinate webinars and events on sustainability issues, and manage training courses for top management.
Up2You is a partner of 24Ore Business School
With Eni has organized webinars for more than 1000 companies
Up2You has collaborated with the Aerospace and Management Engineering Departments of Politecnico di Milano
Il team di Up2You

The team that will support you

We are a team of specialists and specialists in the field of sustainability. We collaborate with universities and organizations to provide lectures, coordinate webinars, workshops and events on sustainability issues, and we manage training courses for top management.
Up2You is a partner of 24ORE Business School
With Eni has organized webinars for more than 1000 companies
Up2You has collaborated with the Aerospace and Management Engineering Departments of Politecnico di Milano
Discover the team

Our technologies

At Up2You, we develop digital platforms that make your company's sustainability journey simple, effective and scalable.
CliMax by Up2You logo
Climax: the platform with which you calculate and reduce your business emissions
PlaNet Up2You
Planet: the platform that combines training and staff involvement
Neutral Events,organizza eventi sostenibili e a impatto zero
Neutral Event: the tool to make your event sustainable
Choral logo
Choral: La piattaforma che semplifica la redazione del tuo bilancio di sostenibilità
Discover the technologies

The advantages of sustainability for your business

Embarking on a sustainability path is an opportunity for your company.
Improve brand reputation
Environmental sustainability is sought after by consumers and companies, and it makes the difference when buying or selecting partners.
Attract funding
The environmental impact is now a reference criterion for banks and financial institutions that must choose the realities in which to invest.
Get an advantage in calls and tenders
The demonstrated commitment to environmental sustainability allows you to obtain additional requirements to participate in calls and tenders.
Attract talent
Several studies state that corporate commitment to sustainability issues leads staff to feel more involved and motivated at work*
*It's. Deloitte, 'The Conscious Citizen', 2023
Anticipate change
Environmental regulations play an increasingly central role, as do forms of taxation that penalize those who do not adapt.
Do you qualify as a supplier
More and more companies are setting themselves the goal of measuring and reducing their emissions, also imposing requirements on their suppliers.

The success stories of the companies that have chosen Up2You

Achieved results

Some numbers that demonstrate our impact
Satisfied customers
People involved
1.2M tons
CO2 managed*
*Includes tons of CO2 calculated, reduced or compensated
Join the 450+ companies that are taking action against climate change