Scope 2 emissions

What are the Scope 2 emissions?

Le emissioni Scope 2 sono emissioni indirette derivanti dalla generazione di elettricità, calore e vapore acquistati e consumati dall’organizzazione, che ne compongono la carbon footprint. Queste emissioni sono considerate indirette in quanto l’azienda è responsabile dell’utilizzo dell’energia, ma non delle emissioni generate dal fornitore per la produzione di questa.

What do Scope 2 emissions include?

Scope 2 emissions include all indirect emissions from the generation of electricity, heat and steam purchased and consumed by the company.

How are Scope 2 emissions measured?

Scope 2 emissions can be calculated by following two different approaches:

  • location based, which considers for the electricity consumed an average emission factor (kg of CO₂ eq emitted per kWh consumed), calculated on the basis of the national energy mix with respect to the country in which the company operates.
    The greater the share of energy from renewable energy sources within the national energy mix, the lower the value of the associated emission factor;
  • market based, an approach that allows the amount of energy from renewable sources purchased directly by the company to be taken into account.
    The provenance of this energy must be certified by the Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (GSE) through the issuance of a certificate of origin (guarantees of origin).
    For the calculation of GHG emissions, an emission factor of zero is used for that portion of electricity that comes from renewable sources.
    In contrast, emission factors calculated based on the national energy mix of the country in which the company operates are used to calculate GHG emissions from the remaining portion of electricity used.

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