Heqing Solar Cooker Project

China, Heqing

Promote the spread of solar stoves and help reduce the use of coal.

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Ton CO2 captured
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How it works

Supporting and financing this project means promoting the dissemination of technologies that contribute significantly to the sustainable development of the places where they are promoted. The region is located at a high altitude and is very exposed to sunlight, but at the same time coal is the main source of energy. The project enables local people to efficiently substitute solar energy for coal (a fossil fuel) by using solar cookers, thus avoiding the emission of CO₂, which would otherwise be generated by coal consumption.

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Preserved plant species
Hectares saved
Renewable energy produced annually
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Where does it develop?

The project is located in the northwestern part of China, more specifically in the rural area of Gaotai and Linze counties in Gansu province. Heqing Solar Cooker avoids the annual dispersion of 144 thousand tons of CO₂.


The Verra-certified project enables Hequing Solar Cooker to generate carbon credits for the CO₂ saved through the introduction of solar stoves.

The project
Heqing Solar Cooker Project
contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


In addition to decreasing emissions, solar stoves enable residents to be able to decrease their energy consumption with consequent economic benefits. Avoiding burning coal and reducing smoke from traditional stoves has resulted in improved air quality in Gansu Province. Another benefit that should not be underestimated is the decrease in fires caused by coal stoves; the number of these household accidents has drastically decreased thanks to the introduction of solar stoves

The project in brief

- Economic and social development
- Fighting climate change

What packages does this project belong to?
Registry by Up2You
This project is certified on the Blockchain.
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