GHG Protocol

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol(GHG Protocol) is a globally recognized standard for measuring and managing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions of companies and their value chains, as well as for emission reduction measures.

The GHG Protocol was established in 1990 as a result of the need for a consistent framework for reporting greenhouse gas data. Today it works with governments, industry associations, NGOs, companies and other organizations to provide the world's most widely used calculation guidelines for emissions.

Il GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard per esempio, lo Standard di riferimento per il calcolo della carbon footprint delle aziende, rappresenta a livello globale lo standard di riferimento più utilizzato per il calcolo e la rendicontazione delle emissioni, da parte di aziende e istituzioni, ed è adottato da più del 90% delle Fortune 500 Companies.

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