Calculate your sustainability performance in 5 steps and compare it with competitors

Here is Up2You Insight's guide to calculate your sustainability performance in 5 steps, based on ESG indicators. Download the free white paper to calculate the result and compare it with competitors.
March 25, 2024
July 29, 2024
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The 5 steps to calculate your sustainability performance

Haven't calculated your ESG score or sustainability report yet? Want to get an idea of how your company is positioned on sustainability issues? We have created a free guide to give you a quick first measure of your performance in just 5 easy steps:

  1. calculates environmental performance;
  2. Calculates social performance;
  3. Calculate your governance performance;
  4. you get your total score;
  5. Compare it with competitors.

To help you calculate your sustainability performance, we have identified 3 KPIs for each of the 3 ESG areas (Environment, Social, Governance). Read on to understand what these indicators are, and download the free white paper to get your result and compare it with competitors.

KPI per le performance ambientali: indicatori ESG

What are the 3 KPIs for environmental performance?

The E in ESG focuses on a company's environmental impacts, assessing the efforts pursued to reduce negative effects and ensuring transparency in the reporting of achievements.

Below you will find the 3 KPIs that will allow you to get an initial representation of your environmental sustainability performance.

1. Calculation of Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

Quantifying direct (Scope 1) and indirect emissions related to the production of purchased energy (Scope 2) allows the company to identify the main sources of emissions within its operations. This tracking is essential for identifying where to take action to reduce environmental impacts by setting evidence-based reduction targets.

2. Energy from renewable sources.

Powering business operations from alternative sources as opposed to fossil fuels means greatly decreasing one's environmental impact and in many cases securing significant savings.

3. Emission trends.

Analyzing the company's progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the short term allows the company to verify the achievement of any reduction targets and assess the impact of implemented initiatives.

Click the link below and download the free white paper for:

  • Find out how to calculate the score for each of the 3 KPIs;
  • Get the total score on your environmental performance;
  • Compare your results with those of your competitors.

Download the free white paper

3 KPIs to assess social performance

S in ESG analyzes all factors related to the human aspect, such as rights, community well-being, safety, and health.

Implementing practices to ensure good working conditions for staff should be a company's first commitment: fostering inclusivity, enabling skill development and personal growth in the workplace, and ensuring a welcoming environment are good practices that ensure good social sustainability performance.

Then get an initial representation of your sustainability performance in the workplace based on the 3 KPIs you chose.

1. Hours spent in training per employee.

Investing in staff training involves not only more expertise, but also the promotion of personal and professional development, contributing to the well-being of both male and female workers, and the attractiveness of the company.

2. Turnover rate (or personal turnover rate).

Indicates the company's ability to retain staff through internal policies that encourage staff retention; for example, through the presence of team-building activities, as well as the company's ability to identify staff in line with business needs.

3. Net Promoter Score.‍

Indicator measuring staff satisfaction and propensity to recommend a company to friends or family as a place to work.

KPI per il calcolo delle performance di sostenibilità sociale

How to evaluate governance performance: the 3 KPIs

From corporate policies to the distribution of rights and responsibilities, the G in ESG takes into account all governance factors. Even in this area, there are several aspects that a company can implement to improve its performance and establish a positive and lasting approach.

Below are the 3 KPIs to evaluate your governance performance.

1. Transparency and reporting.

This is a useful indicator to promote a sense of responsibility to the company, encouraging it to continuously monitor and improve its sustainability practices and forcing it to be accountable for the consequences of its activities, securing a better reputation.

2. Diversity rate in board composition.

Refers to the extent to which the board is composed of members with diverse characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity, professional background, skills, etc.

A diverse board better reflects the diversity of the company's workforce and customers, promoting greater representation and inclusion. Diversity leads to a variety of perspectives and experiences, resulting in more informed and efficient decisions.


3. Risk management update.

The environment in which companies operate is constantly changing: economic, political, technological, social and environmental changes can have a direct impact on business operations and performance. This is why it is essential to regularly update risk management.

Identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that can adversely affect the business on a regular basis enables faster response to threats and crises, limiting the extent of damage and reducing the potential negative impact on business sustainability.

Get the final result and compare it with competitors: download the free white paper

Knowing how your company is positioned in the market and whether sustainability principles are properly integrated into your operations is important, and it is even more important to understand that good sustainability performance is not just an achievement, but a process.

We have seen what KPIs the Up2You Insight team has identified to assess your sustainability performance according to ESG indicators. Now all you have to do is download the free white paper, perform the calculation and find out your score, to understand how your company ranks against competitors.

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